Help! Someone I Love Died by Suicide, Bruce Ray

A mini-book that helpfully and sensitively addresses the matter of the death of a loved one by suicide

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Printable summary

 Losing someone through suicide is deeply painful. It sparks questions, doubts, and confusion. Like ripples in a pond after a rock has been thrown in, the startling news of a suicide swamps the boats of those who are closest, and even rocks the boats of those who are far removed. This sensitively written mini-book comes alongside to offer help to those who are grieving, and, most importantly, provide hope in Jesus Christ.

Bruce Ray has been a pastor for 50 years and has also served as a Police, Fire & EMS chaplain for 30 years. He is a frequent speaker on crisis and trauma. Bruce is a graduate of Los Angeles Baptist College (now The Master’s University), the Reformed Episcopal Seminary, and Police & Fire Chaplains Training Academy.


  • Introduction
  • 1. What is Suicide?
  • 2. Suicide and Scripture
  • 3. Help Your Suicidal Friend
  • 4. Hope for the Hopeless
  • Conclusion
  • Personal Application Projects
  • Where Can I Get Further Help?
  • Family members / friends of people going through trials and difficult circumstances
  • People who counsel those who suffer
  • People who feel overcome by life
  • Those who counsel people who are suicidal
  • Pastors, chaplains, counselors, school counselors and emergency responders

ISBN Paper: 978-1-63342-170-7
ISBN Mobi: 978-1-63342-172-1
ISBN Epub: 978-1-63342-171-4

REL050000 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery BIC:

HRCV3 Christian counseling

Tags: Bruce Ray, suicide